Upgrade & Save Rebate Program Available from Approved Oil

At Approved Oil, helping our customers save money is a welcome byproduct of us doing what we do best – improving the home comfort of residents in the New York City area. We offer heating system upgrades that help reduce your annual heating costs by 30% or more.

Along with the financial benefits that come with upgrading your home’s heating equipment, there are also rebates available through the Upgrade & Save Energy Efficiency and Safety Rebate Program for Long Island homeowners.

Studies show that heating system upgrades can reduce your annual energy expenses by 30-40 percent and pay for themselves in just a few short years through these savings. Now, you can make that payback come even quicker and start saving immediately with the Upgrade & Save – NYCLI Energy Efficiency and Safety Rebate Program. Through this program, you’ll receive:

  • $500 for replacement/upgrade of an existing oil-fired furnace or boiler to a higher-efficiency model
  • $300 for installation of a new aboveground oil storage tank to replace an aboveground or underground tank
  • Up to $800 in combined rebates

*Limit 2 rebates per household